Call now on the Emsleys Housing Helpline:
0844 939 0060
0844 939 0060
Emsleys Housing Team are recognised in the Legal 500 for the advice they give to Registered Providers of Social Housing
Emsleys act for Social Housing Providers throughout the country and can advise on all aspects of Housing Management legal issues. We have a reputation for an efficient, friendly and cost effective service provided by qualified lawyers.
Further details of our services can be seen by clicking on the headings below.
Housing Management
- succession
- assignment
- mutual exchange
- abandonment advice
- drafting and advising on tenancy agreements
Policy Advice:
- Allocation
- Anti Social Behaviour
- Repairs and Maintenance
Tenancy Enforcement
- Possession for rent arrears/other breach accelerated
- Possession proceedings
- Recovery of recharges
- Damage to property
- Debt collection/Former Tenant Arrears
- Access for gas servicing, repairs
Anti Social Behaviour
- ABCs
- Individual Support Orders
- Parenting Orders
- Family Intervention Tenancies
- ASBOs (Magistriates and County Court)
- Demoted Tenancies
- Possession
- Support around Closure Orders
- Suspension of the Right to Buy
- Injunctions
- Committal proceedings
- Forfeiture of shared ownership
- the effects of the Disability Discrimination Act
- Witness liaison, support and statement taking
Disrepair claims/counterclaims
- S11 disrepair claims
- S82 Environmental Protection Act prosecutions
- Housing Health and Safety Rating System
Long Leasehold/Shared Ownership
- Forfeiture proceedings
- Leasehold valuation tribunals
- Service charge advice
- Boundary Disputes
- Land Registry Adjudications
- Trespass Proceedings
- Complaints: Internal and Ombudsman
Property Advice
- Preparation of Leases
- Leasehold Advice
- Right to Buy Advice
- Acquisitions and Disposals
- Land Registry Disputes
- Freehold Acquisitions
We regularly provide training both inhouse and externally.
Examples of training delivered includes:
- Disrepair Law for Maintenance Staff
- Update on Anti Social Behaviour
- Gas Servicing
- Introduction to Housing Law
- Human Rights and Housing
- Abandoned Property and Properties
- Succession Mutual Exchange and Assignment
- Data Protection legislation
- Possession Claims in the County Court
- Pursuing Former Tenant Arrears and Sundry Debts
- Tenancy Agreements for Minors
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