0844 939 0065
Emsleys have a long established, highly experienced Wills and Probate Department based in Leeds committed to providing all our clients with the best possible service in this field.
The Department comprises of one Partner, two Solicitors and one Legal Executive, all backed up by experienced and specialist support staff. The Department is based at our Viscount Court Office in Rothwell but staff travel on a daily basis to meet clients at all other offices as well as in their own homes, nursing homes or hospitals.
The work we do ranges from simple Wills to highly complex Wills and Trusts together with Lasting Powers of Attorney (which have replaced Enduring Powers of Attorney), Living Wills (also known as Advanced Decisions) and Estate Planning.
In addition we focus upon the needs of the elderly and provide guidance and help when there has been a death in the family. We offer a full Probate service.
We are committed to giving our clients a first class service and if we can help in any way please contact:
- Liz Stephen, Partner
- Ailsa Jarvis, Solicitor
- Pria Mistry, Solicitor
- Glynis Hale, Legal Executive
Emsleys' Wills and Probate team cannot overemphasise the importance of everyone having a professionally prepared Will. A Will ensures that your property and assets pass to people you wish to benefit eg your spouse, children and grandchildren and not by the Law of Intestacy. A Will provides peace of mind for yourself and your family.
It does not cost much or take long to prepare a Will. In addition it ensures that any Inheritance Tax Planning can occur at an early stage ensuring that your family and not the taxman benefit.
Many accountants refer to IHT as a "voluntary" tax because there are many ways to avoid it and at Emsleys we are happy to advise on this issue
Trust and Estate Planning
Emsleys' Wills and Probate team are committed to preserving family wealth and minimising Inheritance Tax (and any other taxes) on behalf of our clients.
Whilst recent changes (October 2007) have simplified Inheritance Tax Planning it is vital that consideration is given to issues such as lifetime gifts, care home fees, taxation, remarriage, divorce, debt and bankruptcy.
Family Bereavement Service (Probate)
It is vital that following the death of a relative or friend their estate is handled in a sensitive and efficient manner.
We are fully committed to providing our clients with the best possible service at this most difficult of times. We like to meet with the family of the deceased and go through the terms of their will or the intestacy rules if there is no will. We explain simply and sympathetically what will happen in terms of applying for a Grant of Probate (or a Grant of Letters of Administration) and winding up the estate.
In addition to the above we are able to offer advice and help in dealing with disputes surrounding estates and wills.
The Office Of Public Guardian And Powers Of Attorney
Since 1st October 2007 it has become no longer possible to make a new Enduring Power of Attorney, however existing Enduring Powers of Attorney are still valid.
The new Lasting Power of Attorney (which has replaced the Enduring Power of Attorney) consists of two separate documents, one in connection with health and welfare and the other in connection with finance and property.
At Emsleys our expert team will guide you through the most appropriate course of action. If you have no close family member or friend who could be your attorney we may be able to suggest that two of our partners at Emsleys take on this role.
In addition if a friend or relative is already suffering from Alzheimer's or Dementia we can guide the family in respect of a Deputyship Application. This is an application made to the Office of Public Guardian by the family of someone who is too ill to manage their own affairs.
Questions & Answers
Q: What happens if I don't make a Will?
A - Surprisingly, only 3 in ten people make a Will. If you die without making a Will the law decides how your estate will be divided and who will deal with it. This process can be costly and sometimes traumatic for your family to sort out.
Q - But I have nothing to leave! What is the point?
A - You are probably worth more than you think. A house, a car and life assurance policies all have to be distributed after your death. We will help you to calculate the worth of your assets and make sure nothing has been left out.
There may also be items of sentimental value that you would like to leave. We can explain the different ways to leave gifts and examine any tax implications which may arise from doing this.
Q - How much will it cost?
A - We can tell you how long it will take and how much it will cost from the outset. The cost of not making a Will could be a great deal more.
Q - How often should I update my Will?
A - You should review your Will with us at least every three years, or when there are major changes in your life - moving house, marriage, divorce or children. We will safely store your original Will and provide you with a copy so that you can refer to it whenever you wish to do so